Tweet Treats #6
This is the sixth collection of useful tweets relating to #geography and #geographyteachers. The world of Twitter can be a busy place so I’ve pulled together some tweet treats from the last week or so that are worth having a look at. Tweets are in no particular order.
Couldn't fit everything on this week but here are the #geogglebox highlights for the week 🌍📺 JC
— The Geography Dept (@lenziegeo) October 6, 2019
Speak like a geographer! I always use these templates at the back of KS3 books so Ss can identify, collate and use more key terms in their speaking and writing. They should be full by the end of the year! #geographyteacher
— Mrs Reed (@VickiLouise17) October 2, 2019
***LEARNING JOURNEY*** Our 5-year curriculum journey. Inspired by @MrLPeachey – here’s a copy here if anyone would like to use for their curriculum ☺️ #learningjourney
— Michael Chiles 🌎 (@m_chiles) October 6, 2019
The link for the template of the Curriculum map is here. Please feel free to download but please don’t edit so others can use it.
— GeoJosie 🌍🍪 (@Geo_Jo26) October 5, 2019
Tried out these #VocAPPulary with LA Year 9 today. Very happy with the results. Not quite finished yet! @InternetGeog Thanks to @nlcgeog for the idea and template! #geographyteacher #edutwitter 👍👨🏫😍😎😀🔥
— Mr McAllister 🌎👨🏫 (@McAllister_Geog) September 16, 2019
Saw a fellow #geographyteacher on here say that they had an exercise book for when they’re demonstrating best practice/model answers with their students. I’ve been using one this year and I LOVE it. This was yesterday’s ‘how to plan exam answers’ for year 10 with my visualiser.
— Mrs Tracey 🌍 (@MrsTracey_) September 26, 2019
Structure for all SOW in our department: 1.Overview 2. Student learning and progress 3. Literacy 4. Place knowledge. Any thoughts/ feedback on other aspects that should be included? #geographyteacher
— Ben Bishop (@MrBishopGeog) August 30, 2019
Quick and easy homework for KS3 to reinforce the importance of understanding key terms. 🌎😍🧐😀 #geographyteacher
— Mr McAllister 🌎👨🏫 (@McAllister_Geog) October 1, 2019
FREE Tohoku 2011 (Japanese 🇯🇵) earthquake hazard management resources: ‘Give me 🖐️’ retrieval starter (@KKNTeachLearn ), Japan or not? ‘hook’, higher or lower? factfile quiz, CS sheet, extent-o-metre question, & long/lat map exercise. 🗾#geographyteacher
— Morwenna Chapman (@MorwennaChapman) October 5, 2019
Loved using these today! #geographyteacher #pgce
— MissHaywardGeography🌎 (@MissHaywardGeog) October 1, 2019
Have spent my morning updating my Take 5 case study sheets/ creating a Take 3 version in the hopes that the retention of case study knowledge can be accessible to all, and in turn will appear in those 8markers!#geographyteacher
— L A U R A 🌍 (@missgeog92) October 6, 2019
Thank you to whichever fantastic #geographyteacher introduced me to this idea! ‘Backwards description’ task for locating the tropical rainforests 🌱 Building a sense of scale & of course, basic locational knowledge 👌🏻
— Kate Stockings (@kate_stockings) October 4, 2019
These ⬇️ are the 7 Stages of the Writing Process ✍ do you teach all 7?
You can now download our sketchnotes AND detailed professional learning resources from our website
— Impact (@ImpactWales) October 6, 2019
Our Living World work booklet is getting lots of downloads today! Free to Internet Geography Plus subscribers. Take out a low-cost annual subscription and get access to all our premium resources here: #geographyteacher
— 🌍 (@InternetGeog) October 5, 2019
Aiming to improve student autonomy with a clear learning journey for each #GCSE topic. Mapped assessment, enquiry-based learning, overview of core knowledge and skills with subtopic breakdown. #geographyteacher You can use the link to edit a copy:
— MrSherlock🕵🏼♂️ (@mrsherlockgeog) October 6, 2019