Key Stage 3 Geography Knowledge Organisers

Recently, @MissChambers15 shared some stunning key stage 3 geography knowledge organisers on Twitter.

Eve has very kindly agreed to share them on Internet Geography. Please show  @MissChambers15 some appreciation on Twitter, they look like they took hours to create! You can download the resources below:

If you have resources you’d like to share with the wider geography community please send them over to [email protected] 

Map missions using the AQA OS Maps from 2018

Geography teacher, Nik, has kindly shared a set of map missions based on the OS map extracts from the 2018 AQA GCSE geography exam. You can download the questions and answers below.

Woolacombe Bay Extract (figure 10):

River Severn Extract (figure 12):

Cairngorms Extract (figure 15):

If you have any resources you’d like to share with the wider geography community please send them over to [email protected].

Sunday night geography pub quiz

On Sunday 28th June we’ll be hosting our ninth free online pub quiz for teachers.

To take part you’ll need to download the Zoom app for your phone/laptop/computer. Zoom is available for mobile devices from your app store. It is recommended that you download the app and install it prior to the quiz, especially if you are using a laptop or computer (if this is the case then set up a free account on now). You’ll also need access to Google Forms to record your answers. 

At 7.50 pm the link and password to access Zoom will be published below. You can access the video stream from this time. The quiz will start at 8.15 pm to give those with children who have an 8 pm bedtime time to do the parenting thing. 

Everyone will be muted during the quiz so that it doesn’t turn into carnage but you are welcome to use the text option to say hello etc. 

Zoom Details (will be posted below at 7.50pm on Sunday)

Meeting ID: 825 077 80810

Password: 688834

Google Docs: Answer form


  1. Quizzer’s answers are final. Questions have been researched using (mostly) reliable sources.
  2. The quiz only has limited connections and works on a first-come-first-served basis. 
  3. Be nice.
  4. You can play as an individual or a team. 
  5. There will be a prize for the best team name (chosen by the quizzer)
  6. There will be a prize for the winning team. 
  7. Over 18s and geography teachers only (trainees, teachers and retired welcome)
  8. No Googling or cheating in any way. It’s a bit of fun and you’re only cheating yourself (said in best teacher voice). 
  9. The winner will be informed within 24hrs.
  10. I’m the event of a tie the quizzer will choose the team with the best name. 
  11. You’ll need to include an email address and contact name so we can get in touch with the winner. 
  12. We’ll publish the results, though these will contain no personal information e.g. team name and score only. 
  13. We’ll run through the answers at the end of the quiz for those that want to hear them. Answers must be submitted by players before this is done. Answers submitted by Google forms after this point will not be counted. 

The quiz (software and hardware) has been funded by payments for Internet Geography Plus. If you’ve not got a subscription there are lots of useful resources available for distance learning.

Free geography resources on Internet Geography in the event of school closures

Internet Geography has a range of resources to support teachers and students in the event of school closures.

We have 19 Geography in the News assignments that can be downloaded and used by students to investigate events around the world that are relevant to their studies.

Students revising can use our structured guide to GCSE revision to help prepare for their exams. Take a look at the 3rs of Revision.

We are in the processes of developing a series of online lessons using Google My Maps. The first two are available to use now:

There are a large number of multiple-choice quizzes on the site covering GCSE courses.

There are online resources covering the majority of the AQA GCSE course that students can use for revision.

Last summer we introduced Wider Geography, a summer project for students to participate in to broaden their geographical horizons. This is being updated over the next few days.

If you have any resources you are happy to share please send them to [email protected] and we will post them here.

Google My Maps Project – Environmental Quality Survey in My Local Area

In this lesson, you will investigate environmental quality in your local area. To do this you need a Google account. If you don’t have one through school, simply head over to and click the sign-in button. Then click create an account. Go through the process of setting up an account. You will also use Google Streetview to complete this investigation.

What is an environmental quality survey?

Environmental Quality Surveys are used to measure the ‘look and feel’ of a location. The technique is very subjective, which means people will have different views about an area. Some will find a location unattractive, while others may find the same place very attractive.

Below is the environmental quality survey you will use in this investigation. You are welcome to edit it and add more characteristics. You can download the table in MS Word.

Environmental quality survey

Environmental quality survey

The Challenge

Your challenge is to complete environmental quality surveys in your local area and present the findings on Google Maps. You can either visit the locations and complete the environmental quality surveys if it is safe to do so. However, this guide will take you through the steps to complete the environmental quality surveys using Google Street. There are limitations to this such as the images may have been taken some time ago, however, it will be good practice for completing environmental quality surveys.

  1. Go to Google My Maps
  2. Click Create A New Map
  3. Click Untitled Map (top left corner) and give your map an appropriate title e.g. environmental quality surveys in my local area.
    Naming your Google Map

    Naming your Google Map


  4. Next, find your local area by typing in the name of your street in the search box. When it is displayed, click it, then the map will zoom into your local area.
  5. You can share your map and work with other students at the same time. To do this click Share, in the Add people box add the email address of the person you want to share the map with. Then click send.
  6. You need to identify the locations where you will complete your environmental quality surveys. You could choose the locations by using random, systematic or stratified sampling. In this example, we are going to use random sampling.
  7. To do this, drop markers on the map in random areas in your local area where you will complete the environmental quality survey. Click the marker icon (upside-down tear) and click on your map. Repeat this at least 3 times. You can give each marker a name e.g. site 1, site 2 etc.

    Identifying sites randomly

    Identifying sites randomly

  8. For each location you need to add the following information in each description to record your environmental quality survey scores:
    Buildings =
    Pavements =
    Graffiti =
    Litter =
    Greenspace =
    Boundaries =
    Traffic =
    Pullution =
    Street Furniture =
    Total =

    To do this click on Site 1. Then click the edit button (pencil) to add the information.

    Recording your environmental quality surveys

    Recording your environmental quality surveys

    Below is a completed example:

    Setting up markers for data

    Setting up markers for data

  9. The next step is to complete the environmental quality survey for each location. If you are not visiting the locations you can use the satellite view on your map along with Google Street View to complete your environmental quality surveys.
  10. To change your base map to a satellite image simply click the drop-down menu next to Base Map and select the satellite view.
    Changing your base map

    Changing your base map

    You can then zoom into your first location and view it in more detail. This could provide some help with completing your environmental quality survey, but you should also use Google Street View.

  11. To use Google Street View you will need to open a new Google Map (this needs to be a Google Map NOT a new Google My Map). Locate your first marker by returning to your Google My Map, click on the first site and copy the latitude and longitude coordinates by highlighting them then right click and select copy.
    Extracting latitude and longitude data

    Extracting latitude and longitude data

    Return to Google Maps and paste the latitude and longitude data into the seach box. As you ocan see below Google Maps has dropped a marker.

    Searching by latitude and longitude in Google Maps

    Searching by latitude and longitude in Google Maps


  12. Next, grab the Street View icon in the bottom right (yellow figure) and drop it on your marker.
    Opening Street View

    Opening Street View

    You will now go to Street View and will be able to complete your environmental quality survey. Remember to add your data to your marker in Google My Maps. Repeat this for each site.

Taking it further

Compare environmental quality in your local area. This could include adding presenting your data in appropriate graphs and describing and explaining the differences. You could also complete environmental quality surveys between wealthy and less wealth areas within and between countries.

Hosting an Online Revision Party

Fed up of the same old revision? Why not organise an online revision party? It’s simple to organise, a great way to connect with others and helps share the workload!

How does it work?

Each party guest chooses an area of the course they will become experts in. They then spend some time planning a brief recap of the topic. This could be a PowerPoint containing images and a small amount of text.

Next, each party guest writes a selection of multiple-choice questions to go with their presentation.

Finally, connect with each other online, take it in turn to teach, quiz and answer questions.

There are lots of free online tools you can use to host your party. If you have a Google account, you could try a Google Hangout. Another great tool is which allows up to 40 minutes of video meetings per session. Both services allow you to share your screen with others in your group, along with video and audio.

It is worth trying out a video meeting before you host your revision party so you are not wasting time setting up before the revision party.

Make sure you know the people you are having your online revision party with. Stay safe online!

Google My Maps Project – Mapping my local area

In this lesson, you will map land use in your local area. To do this you need a Google account. If you don’t have one through school, simply head over to and click the sign-in button. Then click create an account. Go through the process of setting up an account.

What is land-use?

Land use is the function of land – what it is used for. Land use varies from area to area. In rural areas (countryside) land use can include forestry and farming. In urban areas (towns and cities) land use can include residential and business.

Land in urban areas is used for many different purposes:

  • leisure and recreation – may include open land, e.g. parks or built facilities such as sports centres
  • residential – the building of houses and flats
  • transport – road and rail networks, stations and airports
  • business and commerce – the building of offices, shops and banks
  • industry – factories, warehouses and small production centres

In rural areas land can be used for:

  • agriculture – growing crops and rearing animals
  • forestry – growing trees
  • military training
  • recreation
  • water supply
  • mining
  • quarrying

The Challenge

Your challenge is to map land use in your local area. You will use online satellite images and maps to create a land-use map of your local area. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create a land-use map in Google Maps.

  1. Go to Google My Maps
  2. Click Create A New Map
  3. Click Untitled Map (top left corner) and give your map an appropriate title e.g. land use in my local area.
    Naming your map in Google My Maps

    Naming your map in Google My Maps


  4. Next, find your local area by typing in the name of your street in the search box. When it is displayed, click it, then the map will zoom into your local area.
  5. You can share your map and work with other students at the same time. To do this click Share, in the Add people box add the email address of the person you want to share the map with. Then click send.
  6. You can switch between the map view and other views, including satellite images, by clicking the drop-down menu next to Base Map. This will help when looking at different land uses.
    Choosing a base map

    Choosing a base map


  7. You can use layers to on your map to organise different features e.g. one layer for residential (housing) areas and another for industry (e.g. factories). You now need to create layers for each different land use that you can include on your map.To do this you need to start by naming the first layer that is already on your map. This is currently called Untitled Layer. Click this and name it Leisure and Recreation.

    Naming a layer

    Naming a layer

  8. Next, click add layer and name this layer Residential.
  9. Repeat this until all the land use types are included from the list at the top of the page.
  10. You are going to use the polygon tool to draw shapes over land use areas on your map. To get started, find an area of the same land use in your local area e.g. a housing estate, industrial area, shops etc. Click on the correct layer e.g. residential to map an area of housing, so you can draw on it. The layer will have a blue line next to it to show you have selected it. In the example below the Leisure and Recreation layer has been selected.
    Selecting a layer

    Selecting a layer

    Next click on the Draw a line icon and select Add line or shape.

    Draw a line tool

    Draw a line tool

    Next, draw a polygon around the area you are going to map. To do this click every time you get to a corner. The final click should be on the dot where you started. In the example below a polygon has been drawn around a public park. You will notice it is called Polygon 1. The layer needs renaming to something such as a public park.

    Drawing a polygon

    Drawing a polygon

  11. Next, click the fill button and select a colour you will use for all areas of Leisure and Recreation on your map. In the example below, Leisure and Recreation have been filled green.

    Fill a polygon

    Fill a polygon

  12. As you can see in the image above the park covers an area of 4.04k㎡
  13. Spend some time exploring your local area on the map and add any other Leisure and Recreation in the area in the same way as above. Remember to fill the polygons the same colour.
  14. Once you have done this, click on the next layer e.g. Residential, and map the housing in your local area.
  15. Repeat this for all other land uses in your local area.

Taking it further

Compare land use in your local area. This could include adding together the total area of land covered by each land use. You could present this on a graph and describe what the data shows.

Direct instruction tools for teaching during school closure

It’s looking increasingly likely that schools may close for a period of time due to Coronavirus. It’s clear from my Twitter feed that a number of schools are already planning for this eventuality. If you find yourself working from home and developing resources to share online with your students, there are a number of useful tools available to support you with this. In this blog post I’ll share a couple of useful tools you can use to create videos for direct instruction.


Screencasting involves recording what is shown on your computer screen. Most screencasting apps also allow you to record yourself narrating using a microphone (most laptops have this built-in). Once exported, the video can then be uploaded to your online portal or Youtube/Vimeo and shared with your students.


Screencastify is a useful app for screencasting. It allows you to create screencasts up to 5 minutes long for free! You’ll need the Google Chrome browser with the Screencastify plugin installed. Head over to click the button that says Add to Chrome. Once you launch the plugin, there is a quick set up process to go through and you will need a Google account. Once you’ve done this, you will be able to save your screencasts directly to Google Drive.

Quicktime Player

Quicktime Player is a media player that also lets you create screencasts. Open the app on your computer then go to File > New Screen recording. Then, from the options menu, you can select your audio recording option if you want to talk over your video.

Presentation Software

Presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote both allow you to record a narration. This is useful if you have presentations already created and you want to provide additional guidance/instruction to your students.

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft has put together a useful guide for recording a slide show with narration. You can access it here. Additionally, you can insert a sound file containing your narration to each slide by going to Insert > Audio > Record Audio.

Apple Keynote

Apple Keynote allows you to record your presentation along with narration then export it to a video file. Open your Keynote then go to Play > Record Sideshow. Click the record button and talk away. When you have finished go to File > Export > Movie. Then upload your video file to your online repository.

iPad/iPhone Apps

There are a number of apps available to record yourself talking over a presentation. These include:

If you have any other suggestions please share them in the comments below!
