You are here: AQA GCSE Geography PLCs > Coasts > C15 Example Answer

Explain the main features of a coastal management scheme in the UK you have studied.

The command word in the question is explain. This involves saying what the main features of the coastal management scheme are and how they work.


The coastal management scheme at Mappleton involved two types of hard engineering – the construction of two rock groynes and the placing of rock armour along the base of the cliff. The rock armour traps beach material and stops it from being transported away by longshore drift. This has built up a wide, sandy beach which protects the cliffs from destructive waves. Rock armour absorbs wave energy during storm conditions, protecting the cliffs’ base from erosion. In addition to this, the cliffs have been reprofiled, forming gentle slopes which have been stabilised with vegetation. This has protected the cliffs from mass movement, such as slumping and mudflows which is common along this stretch of coastline.

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