You are here: GCSE Geography Interactive Revision > Edexcel iGCSE > Coastal Environments > Soft Engineering Coastal Management Quiz


Identify the approach to coastal management that does not involve building artificial structures but takes a more sustainable and natural approach to managing the coast.

Correct! Wrong!

Which soft engineering approach to coastal management involves making beaches are made higher and wider by importing sand and shingle to an area affected by longshore drift?

Correct! Wrong!

Which soft engineering approach to coastal management involves redistributing sediment from the lower part of the beach to the upper part of the beach to provide greater protection to cliffs?

Correct! Wrong!

Which soft engineering approach to coastal management involves planting vegetation, such as marram grass, to stabilise mounds of sand in the upper part of the beach, acting as a natural buffer to the sea?

Correct! Wrong!

Which soft engineering approach to coastal management deliberately allows the sea to erode or flood an area in a controlled way?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the soft engineering strategy shown in the image.

Beach Nourishment
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the soft engineering strategy shown in the image.

Dune regeneration and boardwalk
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the soft engineering strategy shown in the image.

Beach reprofiling
Correct! Wrong!

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