Coastal Erosion Flashcards
Corrosion/solution is when certain types of cliff erode as a result of weak acids in the sea.
Find out more about the processes of coastal erosion.
Abrasion occurs as breaking waves, concentrated between the high and low watermarks, which contain sand and larger fragments wear away the base of a cliff or headland. It is commonly known as the sandpaper effect. This process is particularly common in high-energy storm conditions.
Find out more about coastal erosion.
Coastal erosion is the wearing away of the land by the sea.
Find out more about the processes of coastal erosion.
Corrasion is when destructive waves pick up beach material (e.g. pebbles) and hurl them at the base of a cliff. Over time this can loosen cliff material forming a wave-cut notch.
Find out more about coastal erosion.
The wearing away of land by the sea.
Find out more about coastal erosion.