Geography Summer Challenge

Internet Geography and your school have teamed up to bring you the 2022 Geography Summer Challenge.

Follow the steps below to take part in this fantastic competition:

  1. Choose ten challenges from the options below and record them on your Geography Summer Challenge planning sheet.
  2. Complete each challenge (remember to tick it off on your planning sheet) and record your evidence.
  3. Compile all your evidence (make sure it is clear what challenges you completed) and submit it to your teacher in September (they will tell you how this can be done).

Once your Geography Summer Challenge has been handed in, your school will choose the top three projects. Your school will then enter one project into our national competition. From all the entries, we’ll select our favourite three. The three winners will each receive a £30 Love to Shop gift voucher. You can read our terms and conditions here.

Information for schools and teachers can be found here.

The Challenge Menu

Select your 10 challenges from the menu below (keep an eye on these – we will be adding new challenges over the next few days) and add them to your planning sheet.

  1. Squish It – Take a photograph of you squishing a physical feature between your thumb and forefinger.
  2. Landmark – Create a famous landmark out of food.
  3. Tweet – Complete a bird count in the park or garden. The RSPB has a great guide to identifying a bird.
  4. Get Out – Take a nature walk in 3 different places. Record the nature you see.
  5. Mapimal – Map an animal –  ‘Draw’ an animal using GPS. Google GPS art guide to find out how to do this.
  6. Meme – Create a geography meme.
  7. Country – Learn about a country you nothing about.
  8. Leaf – Find five different leaves and use them to create some artwork.
  9. Montage – Create a photo montage for your local area/street/holiday destination.
  10. Tourism – Collect tourist leaflets for your local place or holiday destination and evaluate whether they are accurate or not.
  11. Pebble – Paint a pebble and leave it somewhere outside for someone to find.
  12. Upcycle – Upcycle a piece of furniture or an item of clothing.
  13. Trees are good 1 – Map the trees in your street/local area
  14. Trees are good 2 – Walk around your local area and identify the trees.
  15. Bucket List – Write a bucket list of all the places you would like to visit. Give a reason for each.
  16. Sustainable living – Re-design your house for more sustainable living.
  17. Sewing Bee challenge– Make or mend. Fight fast fashion by creating an item of clothing or mending a damaged piece.
  18. Skilled Up – Learn a new skill from a friend or family member.
  19. Sketch it – Read a book and draw/sketch a place that is described.
  20. Geocaching – Try out geocaching. Have a look at our quick Geocaching guide.
  21. Treasure Island – Hide something for a friend in your local area and create a map/challenge for them to find it.
  22. Weather – Keep a weather diary for 7 days. The Met Office has a great, free weather diary template.
  23. Cloud challenge – Identify 5 clouds and take pictures of each one. The Met Office has a great guide to cloud types.
  24. Field sketch – Create a field sketch of a location that is important to you. Check out our guide to field sketching.
  25. Environmental survey – Do an environmental quality survey of your local area. The Field Studies Council has an example of an urban environmental quality survey.
  26. Footprint – Calculate your carbon footprint. The WWF has a great carbon footprint calculator you can use.
  27. Plastic – Monitor your household’s single-use plastic use for a week. Plan ways to reduce your plastic use.
  28. Globalisation – Create a collage of images to illustrate the theme of globalisation.
  29. GeoTok – Create a geography-related Tiktok-style video to educate people about something to do with geography.
  30. My Maps – Create a Google My Map. You could map your favourite places or locations you have studied in geography. Take a look at our guide on how to create a Google My Map.
  31. Pick It – Do a litter pick in your local area (make sure you take appropriate caution when picking litter and wash your hands afterwards!).
  32. Get crafty – Create a famous location/feature using Minecraft.
  33. OS Map – Create a route using an OS map. Describe the route using only directions, grid references and symbols. You can access OS maps for free using Bing Maps. We’ve got a guide to this here.
  34. Watch It – Watch a geographical documentary and produce a summary of it. You could produce an infographic, notes or poster. Dual coding is a great way to present information. You could also use the Cornell Notes method of note-taking.
  35. Open – Create your own geography-related challenge.
Internet Geography Plus

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