What are the impacts of migration?

Migration brings both positive and negative impacts on the destination and origin location.

What are the impacts of migration on the destination location?

Migration has both positive and negative impacts on the destination location.

Positive impacts on the destination location

  • Workers will work for low wages and are prepared to do jobs that local people do not want.
  • Increased cultural diversity.
  • Skills gaps are filled.
  • Boost to the local economy.
  • Government tax revenues increase.
  • Public services can benefit from an influx of qualified staff, e.g. doctors and nurses.
  • Immigrant groups can increase birth rates.

Negative impacts on the destination location

  • Pressure on public services such as schools, housing, and healthcare
  • Overcrowding
  • Language and cultural barriers can exist
  • Increased levels of pollution
  • Increased pressure on natural resources
  • Racial tensions and discrimination
  • Local people can miss out on jobs due to increased competition from migrants.
  • Migrant groups may not assimilate into local communities.
  • Gender imbalance – usually men are more likely to migrate

What are the impacts of migration on the origin location?

Migration has both positive and negative impacts on the origin location.

Positive impacts on the origin location

  • Unemployment can reduce as there is less competition for jobs.
  • Less pressure on natural resources, including food and water.
  • When migrants return, they bring new skills and knowledge.
  • There is less pressure on services such as education and healthcare.
  • Money is often sent back to family and friends (known as remittances), boosting the local economy.

Negative impacts on the origin location

  • There are fewer people to pay tax.
  • Fewer skilled migrants, as those with skills and education, tend to be the people who migrate. This is also known as brain drain.
  • Brain drain could harm economic development.
  • Borders separate families.
  • There are often gender imbalances, as it is often males who move.

What are the impacts of migration on migrants?

Migration has both positive and negative impacts on migrants themselves.

Positive impacts of migration on migrants

  • The opportunity to get a better job.
  • Improved quality of life.
  • Safety from conflict.
  • The opportunity for a better education.

Negative impacts of migration on migrants

  • Migrants may run out of money.
  • Issues communicating due to language barriers.
  • Issues securing accommodation or housing on arrival.
  • Illness due to not being able to access healthcare
  • Migrants can be exploited.
  • Migrants may experience racism.
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