Key Concepts That Support Learning

Now you know how not to revise, take a look at the concepts that support learning below.

Active Learning

Active recall is the most important technique that you can and should be used in order to make your studies more efficient. It basically involves retrieving stuff from your brain because the very act of retrieving information strengthens neural connections. Active recall can be done by testing yourself.

Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is all about revising the same information at specific points in time to combat the forgetting curve of human memory. Recall information many times at the start and over time, do this less often as it enters your long term memory. Spacing involves distributing study over time rather than cramming studying before an exam. To do this you should create a schedule/revision plan that spreads study out over a period of time and involves the opportunity to restudy key concepts.

Desirable Difficulty

Desirable difficulty is about realising when something is hard and choosing to do it anyway. Revision should involve you identifying your pain points and, rather than ignoring them, attack them. Desirable difficulty also involves revising things you find difficult, in a way that is challenging. Passive revision is easy (reading and highlighting for example), and when learning is easy you will learn less. If you test yourself and wrestle with your knowledge to explain links and connections you will learn the content in a much more meaningful way.


Further Revision Resources

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