
A sketchnote is a visual note-taking technique that combines both text and drawings to summarise complex information in a way that is easy to understand.

How do I create sketchnotes?

Don’t include too much information on your sketchnote. Keep it simple. Include text, images and two or three colours. Use pens, so you don’t waste time fixing imperfections. Also, use simple icons/images that pop into your head when producing your sketchnote – it does not need to be a work of art!

Below is an example of a sketchnote covering urbanisation.

First attempt at a geography sketch note

And another for natural hazards.

Natural Hazards Sketchnote

Natural Hazards Sketchnote

What makes an effective sketchnote?

Coming soon

I’ve made my sketchnote, now what? 

Recap the main points: Review your sketchnote to recall the main points and concepts. This can help you quickly refresh your memory on the key topics.

Test yourself: Cover up the text and try to recall the information based on the visuals alone. This can help you identify gaps in your knowledge and focus your revision on these areas. You could also give the sketchnote to a friend or family member and ask them to quiz you about it.

Organise your notes: Use your sketchnote to reference your other notes and study materials. This can help you see how the different topics and concepts are related and better understand the subject matter.

Teach someone: Use your sketchnote as a prompt to teach someone else about what is covered in the sketchnote. It would help if you tried to develop the points you included in your sketchnote.


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