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Revise It

If you’ve reviewed your revision needs, you’re are almost ready to start revising. Before you do start we recommend you have a read of our guide to how not to revise. It could save you lots of wasted learning time! Following this have a look at our guides to key learning concepts and find out which revision techniques we strongly recommend.

Below are links to a range of revision strategies you might want to explore.


Flashcards are ideal for testing your knowledge of definitions of keywords, theory and explanation or whatever information you need to learn. They have an added bonus that they can be used to review your learning later.

mind maps

Mind maps are graphical representations of information. In contrast to the traditional, linear notes you make in a text document, mind maps let you capture thoughts, ideas and keywords on a blank canvas.

concept map

Concept maps are a great way to explore relationships between information. In addition, they are an active learning technique because thinking is required to identify and explain relationships.


Quizzing is an effective way to revise. Research suggests self-testing is one of the most effective revision techniques you can use! Self-testing helps build your knowledge and helps with remembering.

Dual coding combines text and images to help make revision more memorable.

condense it

Condense text is a way of reducing a large amount of information into key words and images that will help you memorise and retrieve information you need to know.

Blank page is a strategy for checking what you already recall about a topic you are revising.

Revision clocks are a great way of breaking down information in up to 12 manageable chunks.


Further Revision Resources

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