Geography in the News Quiz – September 2019
Have you got what it takes to smash our September 2019 geography in the news quiz?
Name the hurricane that devastated the Bahamas in early September.

Which member of the royal family announced his use of carbon off-setting in early September?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex practise carbon offsetting in their private travel. Carbon offsetting allows passengers to pay extra to help compensate for the carbon emissions produced from their flights.
Below is a headline from an article on the Independent news website. Identify the missing words. The Chernobyl effect? Tourism booming in _____________ ______________ as visitors pile in to see town almost flooded off the map

Returning to Hurricane Dorian, who used a sharpie to attempt to defended his false claim that Hurricane Dorian was likely to hit Alabama?

President Donald Trump was the one who used a black Sharpie marker to alter an official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration map to include Alabama in Hurricane Dorian's trajectory during an Oval Office presentation earlier this week, The Washington Post reported.
Future global food supplies could be under threat due to declining supplies of which mineral?

According to the Independent 'phosphate fertiliser 'crisis' threatens world food supply'. The use of essential rock phosphate has soared, but scientists fear it could run out within a few decades.
Which country's mountain lost its highest peak title due to global heating?

The mountain peak known to Swedes as their country’s highest can no longer lay claim to the title due to global heating, scientists have confirmed, as the glacier at its summit shrinks amid soaring Arctic temperatures.
Which area of the UK exceeded its renewables target for electricity a year ahead of time?

A Stormont target on electricity from renewables has been exceeded a year ahead of time. The target was for 40% of power in Northern Ireland to be generated from renewable sources by 2020. But statistics published early in September show that for the 12 months to June 2019, the figure stood at 44%, the vast bulk of which was generated by wind.
On the 26th September 2019 a city-sized iceberg separated from which ice shelf?

Which hurricane broke the record for the strongest storm to reach the north and east of the Atlantic Ocean?

"The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say - we will never forgive you." Who said this in a speech in September 2019.

Scientists believe a giant floating island of pumice could help restore which ecosystem?

Scientists believe a giant floating island of pumice could help restore Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The pumice came from an underwater volcano that erupted near North Tonga and formed a floating island about the size of Manhattan. As it heads towards Australia’s northeastern coast, scientists say living organisms will hitch a ride on the pumice and bring new life to the ailing coral reefs.
David Attenborough made a plea to save which natural environment in the UK?

Sir David has backed an initiative by the Sussex Wildlife Trust and the Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority to introduce an inshore trawler exclusion zone to help the kelp regenerate.
The UK's new polar research ship, which was nearly named Boaty McBoatface after an online poll, was named after which person?

On what date did millions of people around the world take part in the first "climate strike" day?

Research published in September suggests what 'leaks billions of microplastics'?

Which country experienced a 5.8 magnitude earthquake on the 25th September 2019?

A report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that melting ice from Greenland, Antarctica and glaciers elsewhere is driving up sea levels across the globe. According to researchers how many people are predicted to be living in coastal areas at risk of flooding by the end of the century?

True or false? The governing body of European football says it's going to plant 50,000 trees in the Republic of Ireland to offset emissions from people travelling to Euro 2020 matches.

There were fears in September that a glacier could collapse on which European mountain?

Which new "life-saving" app was used by a Scottish ambulance crew to establish the location of an injured hillwalker?
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