Tag Archive for: Twitter

Tweet Treats #12

This is the twelfth collection of useful tweets relating to #geography and #geographyteachers. The world of Twitter can be a busy place so I’ve pulled together some tweet treats from the last week that are worth having a look at. Tweets are in no particular order.

A useful strategy for re-visting learning. This example is for RE but could be easily adapted for geography. Miss Lyons has been kind enough to share this resource on Internet Geography.


A great article on how arid environments are taught by David Preece. Well worth a read!


Michael Chiles has shared a great fieldwork workbook to download for free.


Another free download from Michael Chiles who has shared some statistical skills resources.


Festive origami with OS maps anyone?


These summary grids look great!


We’re loving this independent study guide for a-level students.


These knowledge test retention resources look superb.


These retrieving and learning physical features using longitude and latitude resources look great!


A really useful resource linking OS maps and photographs. Mrs Reed has kindly shared this resource on the TES website for free.


Some great aerial footage showing fluvial environments.


Really useful resources for developing skills of evaluation here.


Superb case study builder to encourage students to develop their explanations.


Looking for some end of term fun resources? Look no further!


Some lovely ideas for approaching climate change.

Tweet Treats #10

This is the tenth collection of useful tweets relating to #geography and #geographyteachers. The world of Twitter can be a busy place so I’ve pulled together some tweet treats from the last couple of weeks that are worth having a look at. Tweets are in no particular order.

Tweet Treats #8

This is the eighth collection of useful tweets relating to #geography and #geographyteachers. The world of Twitter can be a busy place so I’ve pulled together some tweet treats from the last week or so that are worth having a look at. Tweets are in no particular order.

Tweet Treats #6

This is the sixth collection of useful tweets relating to #geography and #geographyteachers. The world of Twitter can be a busy place so I’ve pulled together some tweet treats from the last week or so that are worth having a look at. Tweets are in no particular order.

Tweet Treats #4

Tweet Treats #3

Tweet Treats #2

Tweet Treats #1