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Mind Map
Create a mind map to summarise the areas above. We’ve got a guide to creating mind maps if you need support.
The Final Countdown is here to help you prepare for your final AQA GCSE geography exam. Following our weekly exercises will prepare you to take on the examiner.
This week you will revise weather hazards and climate change. It would help if you covered the following:
Use one of the three strategies below to revise these areas.
Create a mind map to summarise the areas above. We’ve got a guide to creating mind maps if you need support.
Create flashcards to summarise the areas above. We’ve got a guide to creating flashcards if you need support.
Create a knowledge organiser to summarise the areas above. We’ve got a guide to creating a knowledge organiser if you need support.
Complete the revision quizzes covering hazards and tectonic hazards (you completed revision activities on this area last week!)
Question 1
Using Figure 4 and your own understanding, suggest how plate movements causes tectonic hazards along destructive plate margins. [6 marks]
Figure 4
Question 2
Immediate responses to a tectonic hazard are more important than long-term responses. Do you agree? Using Figure 5 and one or more examples, explain your answer. [9 marks +3]