How is the Indian government trying to improve people’s quality of life?

India is trying to improve its global image by tackling some of the issues caused by rapid development. Examples of management strategies to improve people’s quality of life include:

  • developing smart cities that include affordable, energy-efficient housing and good infrastructure which will relieve pressure in cities and support sustainable growth and living in the future. Smart Cities Mission, sometimes referred to as Smart City Mission, is an urban renewal and retrofitting program by the Government of India with the mission to develop 100 smart cities across the country making them citizen friendly and sustainable.
  • reducing reliance on fossil fuels by developing renewable energy solutions. An example of this is the development of two large solar parks in Madhya Pradesh funded by a World Bank loan in 2015.

Local people have also been supported in managing the impacts of development to improve quality of life. An example of this is people in Payvihir, Maharashtra, reforesting degraded land near the village. This has supported them in growing organic produce which is sold to the increasing middle class in Mumbai. Profits are invested in healthcare, sanitation and education for the villagers.

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