New Zealand Earthquake 2016

A powerful magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island, killing at least two people, on November 14th 2016. The earthquake occurred at 00.02 am.

2016 New Zealand Earthquake Map

2016 New Zealand Earthquake Map – Source BBC News

It was felt as far afield as the capital Wellington on the North Island, 120 miles (200km) away.

A tsunami arrived about two hours later. People along the eastern coast were warned to head inland or to higher ground.

Primary Effects of the 2016 New Zealand Earthquake

  • Two people died.
  • Fifty people were injured.
  • Sixty people needed emergency housing.
  • Over 190km of roads and 200km of railway lines were destroyed
  • Twenty thousand buildings were damaged or destroyed.
  • Water, sewerage & power supplies were cut off.
  • Total damage is estimated at US $8.5 billion.

Secondary Effects of the 2016 New Zealand Earthquake

  • One hundred thousand landslides blocked roads and railways.
  • A landslide blocked the Clarence River, causing flooding. Ten farms were evacuated.
  • The earthquake triggered a tsunami of 5m, leaving debris up to250 metres inland.

Immediate Responses to the 2016 New Zealand Earthquake

  • A tsunami warning was issued, and residents were told to get to higher ground.
  • Hundreds were housed in emergency shelters.
  • Two hundred vulnerable people were evacuated by helicopter.
  • Power was restored within hours.
    International warships were sent to Kaikoura with supplies such as food, medicine and portable toilets.
  • Temporary water supplies set up.
  • Other countries sent food and medicine.

Long-term Responses to the 2016 New Zealand Earthquake

  • $5.3 million from District Council for repairs and rebuilding.
  • Road and rail routes reopened within two years.
  • A relief fund was set up to provide basic supplies.
  • By March 2017, a permanent water main had been laid in Kaikoura. the new pipe was designed to move with any future earthquakes so it won’t break
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