Nigeria’s Political and Trading Relationships and Aid Quiz
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Nigeria’s Political and Trading Relationships and Aid Quiz
Which of the following statements are true about Nigeria’s changing political relationships?
Please select 3 correct answers
Which of the following trading groups does Nigeria belong to?
Please select 2 correct answers
True or false?
Despite Nigeria’s significant economic growth, poverty remains common in Nigeria. Infant mortality rates are high and life expectancy is low.
What proportion of aid, given to Africa, goes to Nigeria?
What is the total amount of aid given to Nigeria by organisation such as the International Development Agency, EU, UNICEF and countries including the USA, UK and Germany?
True or false?
Despite good intentions, some aid money fails to get to people who need it due to corruption.
Which type of aid has had the biggest impact in Nigeria?
How have 'Nets for Life' provided aid to Nigerian communities?
Nigeria's political and trading relationships and aid
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