Sustainable management of the tropical rainforest


Which of the following is not an international approach to the sustainable management of the tropical rainforest?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not a national approach to the sustainable management of the tropical rainforest?

Correct! Wrong!

Afforestation is an example of a local approach to the sustainable management of tropical rainforest.

Which of the following is not a local approach to the sustainable management of the tropical rainforest?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the international approach to the sustainable management of the tropical rainforest described below. Many tropical rainforests are located in LICs. Many LICs are heavily in debt and often use natural resources such as the rainforest as a way of making money to pay off loans. However, there have been instances when wealthier countries have agreed to write off the debt in return for protecting the rainforest.

Correct! Wrong!

FSC certification is an example of what?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the international approach to the sustainable management of the tropical rainforest described below. Areas of rainforest protected from exploitation.

Correct! Wrong!

What is afforestation?

Correct! Wrong!

What is agroforestry?

Correct! Wrong!

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