Physical characteristics of deserts


Where are hot deserts located?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following characterises the climate in the world’s hot desert regions?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not an example of hot desert?

Correct! Wrong!

What are areas of land found on the borders of hots deserts known as?

Correct! Wrong!

What can the diurnal temperature range in a desert exceed?

Correct! Wrong!

What causes the deep deposits of sand and loose material in deserts?

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Sand dunes should not be classified as soils if there is no organic matter present there at all.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Some desert soils are potentially very fertile because important nutrients for plant growth, such as calcium, have not been leached away over time.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Deserts are arid due to sinking dry air associated with the Hadley Cell.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Hot deserts are areas of the Earth’s surface which receive less than 25cm or 10 inches of rainfall every year.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Not all deserts are hot, cold deserts exist as well.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Around 40% of deserts are covered in sand.

Correct! Wrong!

Around 20% of deserts are covered in sand.

True or false? Soils are usually very shallow. They usually have a rough gravelly texture. The soil isn’t very fertile because there is very little vegetation to provide litter and humus.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the collective name given to plants that can survive in very dry conditions?

Correct! Wrong!

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