Which of the following best describes sustainable energy?
What have global concern about the impact that burning fuels has on climate change led to?
True or false?
Many individuals are currently in favour of non-renewable energy resources.
True or false?
Investment is needed in renewable energy resources today, to meet future energy demands. However, many individuals area against this.
True or false?
The is an increasing awareness of the need for renewable energy resources. However, some individuals may oppose new developments if they are planned to be developed in their local area.
True or false?
Many TNCs make considerable profits from controlling oil reserves.
True or false?
Environmental organisations, such as Greenpeace, campaign for the use of fossil fuels.
True or false?
TNCs are increasingly investing in renewable energy research and development.
True or false?
Governments in developed countries are coming under increasing pressure by consumers to protect the environment which is likely to increase investment in renewable energy sources.
True or false?
Governments in developing countries have concerns about whether sustainable energy resources will continue to help them develop.
Sustainable Energy Management
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