Biodiversity in cold environments


Which of the following is not a risk to biodiversity in cold environments?

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Polar environments have considerable biodiversity, with thousands of species of lichens, insects and flowering plants.

Correct! Wrong!

Tundra environments have considerable biodiversity, with thousands of species of lichens, insects and flowering plants.

True or false? Most tundra plant species are heavily dependent on short, mild summers when the surface permafrost thaws, providing food for species further up the food chain.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Climate change could lead to a rapid increase in some species in the tundra ecosystem, causing an imbalance within the ecosystem.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Warming of oceans might affect the distribution of nutrients which may affect krill, fish and crustacean levels.

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following has the highest number of species in cold environments?

Correct! Wrong!

Insects have the highest number of species in cold environments with 3,000. This is followed by lichens (2000), flowering plants and shrubs (1,700), mosses (600) birds (240) and mammals (75).

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