The Holderness Coast


Where is the Holderness Coast located?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following best describes the geology of the Holderness Coast?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the landform found at the most southern point of the Holderness Coast.

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the location show in the image below.

A satellite image showing sediment being transported along the coast at Spurn Point.
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the location show in the image below.

Selwicks Bay, Flamborough
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the location show in the image below.

Embayment to the south of sea defences at Hornsea
Correct! Wrong!

Which location along the Holderness Coast contains mainly landforms of coastal erosion?

Correct! Wrong!

Which location along the Holderness Coast contains mainly landforms of coastal deposition?

Correct! Wrong!

Which locations along the Holderness Coast experiences mass movement including slumping and mudflows?

Correct! Wrong!

Slumping and mudflows occur at both Hornsea and Flamborough. Boulder clay overlies chalk at Flamborough and slumping and mudflows occur, particularly during the winter.

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Internet Geography Plus

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