Weathering and mass movement in river valleys


True or false? Weathering is the break down of rock in situ.

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not an example of weathering?

Correct! Wrong!

Slumping is an example of mass movement.

True or false? Freeze-thaw weathering is an example of chemical weathering.

Correct! Wrong!

Freeze-thaw weathering is an example of mechanical weathering.

True or false? Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rock caused by changes in its chemical composition.

Correct! Wrong!

Which type of chemical weathering involves minerals dissolving when they come into contact with water?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the process of weathering that involves rock being broken down by living things.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Mass movement is the down-slope movement of material under gravity.

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not an example of mass movement?

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? When a river erodes the base of a valley side it can cause undercutting. The material above is no longer supported leading to the increased risk of mass movement occurring.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Mass movement is also more likely to occur when weathering processes are active in a river valley.

Correct! Wrong!

Weathering and mass movement in river valleys
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