How do weather and climate affect river landscapes?


True or false? Rainfall has a significant impact on river processes and landscapes.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Rates of erosion increase with discharge as the river has more energy to erode the river bed and banks. In the upper course of the river, this leads to lateral erosion, forming v-shaped valleys. In the lower course, vertical erosion leads to the formation of flood plains.

Correct! Wrong!

Rates of erosion increase with discharge as the river has more energy to erode the river bed and banks. In the upper course of the river, this leads to verticle erosion, forming v-shaped valleys. In the lower course, lateral erosion leads to the formation of flood plains.

True or false Locations with high rainfall experience less chemical weathering than areas with low rainfall.

Correct! Wrong!

Locations with high rainfall experience greater chemical weathering.

True or false? Temperature affects weathering processes in river landscapes.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Storms bringing heavy rainfall causes the ground to be saturated. This can lead to mass movement on valley sides such as slumping and sliding which can result in material entering the river channel.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? Heavy rainfall, resulting from storms, can lead to rapid run-off causing the volume of water in a river channel to quickly decrease.

Correct! Wrong!

Heavy rainfall, resulting from storms, can lead to rapid run-off causing the volume of water in a river channel to quickly increase.

How do weather and climate affect river landscapes?
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