How have plants and animals adapted to the deciduous woodland?


True or false? Plants in deciduous forests are in stratified layers.

Correct! Wrong!

Why do deciduous trees have broad, flat leaves and spread their branches wide?

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Identify two types of plants that climb trees in the deciduous woodland to reach sunlight.

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The shrub layer in the deciduous woodland is dominated by plants that have adapted to what?

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True or false? Bluebells grow in the spring when the canopy is still growing and there is more sunlight reaching the woodland floor.

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In autumn, where do deciduous trees draw food and nutrients from?

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Which of the following deciduous forest dwelling mammals hibernate during winter, to reduce their need for food?

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True or false? Some animals store food in the autumn to survive through the winter when there is less food available.

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How do many birds cope with colder conditions in the deciduous forest during the winter?

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From the forest floor upwards, identify the layers of vegetation in the deciduous forest.

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How have plants and animals adapted to the deciduous woodland?
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