What was the Earth's climate like before the Quaternary period?
True or false?
During the Quaternary, global temperature has shifted between cold glacial periods that last for around 100,000 years and warmer interglacial periods that last for around 10,000 years.
Which of the following statements best describes the Earth's climate since the last glacial period around 15,000 years ago?
Which of the following is not a source of evidence for natural climate change?
Identify the source of evidence for natural climate change described below.By analysing the gases trapped in layers scientists can calculate what the temperature was each year.
Identify the source of evidence for natural climate change described below.Scientists take cores and count the rings to calculate the age of the flora. The thickness of each ring indicates what the climate was like.
How can pollen be used to determine historical climate?
Which of the following is not an example of a historical source of evidence for natural climate change?
Which of the following is an example of a natural cause of climate change?
True or false?
Milankovitch Cycles are variations in the way the Sun moves as it orbits the Earth.
Milankovitch Cycles are variations in the way the Earth moves as it orbits the Sun.
Which of the following is not an example of a feature of Milankovitch Cycles?
True or false?Milankovitch Cycles affect how far the Earth is from the Sun, and the angle that the Sun's rays hit the Earth. This changes the amount of solar radiation the Earth receives. The more energy it gets the warmer it is.
The tilt, or axis changes of the Earth changes over a cycle of how many years?
True or false?Orbital changes may have caused glacial and interglacial cycles of the Quaternary period.
What is solar variation?
What causes solar variation?
Which of the following best describes what a sunspot is?
True or false?Volcanic activity may cause long-term changes in climate.
Volcanic activity may cause short-term changes in climate.
How do volcanic eruptions cause natural climate change?
True or false?Climate change only occurs as the result of natural causes.
Natural Climate Change Quiz
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