True or false?
The greenhouse effect is a natural process.
What type of energy is emitted by the Sun?
When the Sun's energy is reflected by the Earth's surface what type of energy does it become?
True or false?
Gases in the atmosphere naturally act like an insulating layer letting short-wave radiation in, but trap long-wave radiation helping to keep the Earth at a habitable temperature.
Which of the following is not an example of a greenhouse gas?
Some greenhouse gases are stronger than others. Which of the following absorbs the most heat?
Greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for different periods of time. Which of the following remains in the atmosphere for 10 years after being emitted?
True or false?
The longer greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere, the more they'll contribute to warming.
True or false?
Humans are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
There is a scientific consensus that human activities are causing climate change by adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. What is this known as?
True or false?
Too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere means too much energy is trapped and the planet warms up. Humans are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases.
Which of the following is not a human cause of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
Industrial waste often ends up in landfill sites. As the waste decays what type of greenhouse gas is released?
True or false?
Rice paddies release a significant amount of methane.
Identify the type of greenhouse gas produced in the manufacturing of cement.
Climate change will make the seas warmer. This causes the water to expand and cause flooding. What is the expansion of water molecules known as?
Warmer temperatures caused glaciers and ice sheets to melt. Water stored on land as ice returns to the oceans. Which of the following is not an impact of this?
True or false?
Glacial retreat could lead to rivers such as the Ganges drying up.
True or false?
Climate change will increase crop yields along the equator.
Climate change will decrease crop yields along the equator.
How much are temperatures expected to rise as the result of climate change between 2005 and 2100?
Human cause of climate change quiz
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