Managing the Coast


Identify the coastal management strategy that involves building artificial structures which try to control natural processes.

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the coastal management strategy that does not involve building artificial structures but takes a more sustainable and natural approach to manage the coast.

Correct! Wrong!

True or false? A cost-benefit analysis involves comparing the economic and environmental costs of coastal management against the benefits of what is saved.

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the hard engineering strategy shown in the image.

Internet Geography
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the hard engineering strategy shown in the image.

Completed coastal defences at Withernsea Internet Geography
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the hard engineering strategy shown in the image.

Recurved sea wall at Scarborough Internet Geography
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the hard engineering strategy shown in the image.

Coastal erosion defences in the form of interlocking concrete blocks in the foreground and stone-filled wired gabion baskets behind Internet Geography
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the hard engineering strategy shown in the image.

Groynes at Withernsea Internet Geography
Correct! Wrong!

Identify the hard engineering strategy shown in the image.

A wood revetment at Sheringham on the Norfolk coast. Internet Geography
Correct! Wrong!

What term is used to describe the increase in erosion downdrift of groynes due to sediment not being replaced?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the groups who are likely to support coastal management for settlements along the coast.

Please select 3 correct answers

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Internet Geography Plus

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