
What do experts believe could lead to an increase in warm weather across the country?

Correct! Wrong!

During lockdown, how much have air pollution levels dropped by in many UK cities?

Correct! Wrong!

Which pollutants, that have a long-term effect on climate, remain in the atmosphere for a long time?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is an example of a shorter-lived atmospheric pollutants?

Correct! Wrong!

How can the reduction of some shorter-lived pollutants affect the weather?

Correct! Wrong!


True or false? Some particle matter in the atmosphere is slowing down climate change.

Correct! Wrong!

What are the aerosols that are referred to in the article?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following are examples of man-made aerosols?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

A reduction in aerosols can increase the amount of sunlight reaching the ground and potentially raise the temperature. Does this affect weather or climate?

Correct! Wrong!

What is ULEZ an acronym for?

Correct! Wrong!

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Read the article again then have another go. You got this!

Your shipment of fail

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